Monday, August 1, 2011

Chapter One

"Can you hurry up?" Anasatasia nagged "God, why are you so slow. With all this time your spending on it I better get an A"
Did I forget to mention that I also was entitled to do their homework?
"Yes, Anastasia" I gritted through my teeth
I would be done with it faster if you would stop talking, I thought to myself
"Oh, and don't forget to clean my room extra good, because I have my friends coming over," Alexandria added
Finally they both left my room to go do something better. Now I could work in peace. Once I finished Anastasia's work I began Alexandria's. Their work was stupidly easy, but that was beacuse the twins were not the smartest. I, on the other hand, was pretty good at school. I enjoyed school although I didn't have many friends and often ate lunch by myself. I looked foward to school, but not to doing the evil twin's homework. I sighed at the thought that I probably wouldn't get to my own homework until well into the night, because I had to first clean up after the three slobs I'm forced to live with.
I started my chores in the kitchen.
They could at least put up their dishes in the sink, I thought to myself, but then again why would they do that if that meant making life easier on me.
I was wiping the counters about to move into the living room when Alexandria came running in looking for her sister. Instead, she found me.
"Oh, it's you Ella," she sneered "Have you seen Anastasia"
"Not since she was in my room" I answered as I countinued to dust.
"Oh, well," then her face changed "Guess what?" Alexandria began to bounce up and down.
"What," I repiled hoping she would leave me alone with my chores.
"I just saw the young prince and he smiled at me. He's my age you know." she said with a dreamy look in her eyes. I couldn't help but roll mine.
"That's nice, Alexandria"
"He's probably in love with me. You what that means don't you," she said enthusiastically moving closer to me. She grabbed my arm making it impossible to contiune my chore.
"What," I sighed
"I'm going to be a princess," she exclaimed "Can't you imagine it. Me, the most beautiful princess ever,"
"Who's going to be a princess," my stepmother said walking in "Cinderella, why aren't you cleaning. This room is a mess."
"Sorry, Mother" I turned to finish my chores.
"Mother, I'm going to be a princess,"
"How's that Alexandria," she repiled in an even tone.
"The prince is in love with me" she exclaimed to her mother.
"Is that so?"
"Well, that's nice sweetheart"
"You just wait and see mother. I'm going to be a beautiful princess."
Yeah, and I'm going to be a millionaire

A.N:  If you were confused on Ella's name, her full name is Cinderella, but Ella is her nickname.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


This is me.

And this is my stepmother with my two stepsisters.

Can you tell the difference, because I can. In fact, if you can't tell the diffrence then something must be wrong the your eyes. I could honestly careless, because who did I have to impress. The kids at school we're all my stepsisters friends or wanted to be their friend. But what friends did I need when I was basically the family live in maid.
Do I sound a little hopeless?
Well what can I say? Nothing has been the same since my father's sudden death, but to tell the truth, it started before that. I would say that it probably when my father remarried. That was when began to be force to clean. She would call it my "chores" or my "responsiblities". Funny I didn't see her children doing chores or having responsiblities. My dad was blind to my treatment, because he was stressed with his own problems.
It was when he died that I was kicked to the outside "guesthouse".
I was no longer allowed to eat in the kitchen I grew up in. No longer allowed to wear my own clothes. They wanted to seperate me from them. They wanted to show my inferiority to them. And what could I do about it?
Abosouletly nothing.
In my town status was everything, and I had the lowest status there was, so who would help me. So I did what I was told, until I got into a steady routine.
Clean, school, clean, homework, sleep.
Everyday, I had to do this, and I can only hope that one day I can get away.
One day.